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Go for Total Hip Replacement in Goa for the treatment of degenerative hip Diseases

Total hip replacement in Goa for the treatment of various diseases is offered along with a rejuvenating holiday. Highly skied super specialist surgeons of Goa perform the surgery for better outcome. Goa is famous as holiday destination worldwide and apart from this it is now being considered as the best medical tourism destination. Medical facility provided in Goa is attracting the patient’s crowd from the western countries as they seek treatment at low cost. Goa is also famous for its exotic beaches and tourist locations that can be beneficial for faster recovery post treatment. So, patients can opt for Total hip replacement in Goa and can have a holiday with efficient results.

When is Total Hip Replacement Considered?

Total hip replacements are usually performed for severe arthritic conditions. The operation is sometimes performed for other problems such as hip fractures or avascular necrosis (a condition in which the bone of the hip ball dies). Most patients who have artificial hips are over 55 years of age, but the operation is occasionally performed on younger persons.

Circumstances vary, but generally, patients are considered for total hip replacements if:

What can I expect of a Total Hip Replacement?

A Total hip replacement will provide pain relief in 90 to 95 percent of patients. It will allow patients to carry out many normal activities of daily living. The artificial hip may allow you to return to active sports or heavy labor under your physician's instructions. Most patients with stiff hips before surgery will regain near-normal motion, and nearly all have improved motion.

What are the risks of Total Hip Replacement?

Total hip replacement is a major operation. The effect of most complications is simply that the patient stays in the hospital longer. The most common complications are not directly related to the hip and do not usually affect the result of the operation. These include:

Complications that affect the hip are less common, but in these cases, the operation may not be as successful:

A few of the complications, such as infection or dislocation, may require re-operation. Infected artificial hips sometimes have to be removed, leaving a short (by one to three inches), somewhat weak leg, but one that is usually reasonably comfortable and one on which you can walk with the aid of a cane or crutches.

How is the Procedure Performed for Total Hip Replacement?

Total hip replacement is a surgical procedure for replacing the hip joint. This joint is composed of two parts - the hip socket (acetabulum, a cup-shaped bone in the pelvis) and the "ball" or head of the thighbone (femur). During the surgical procedure, these two parts of the hip joint are removed and replaced with smooth artificial surfaces. The artificial socket is made of high-density plastic, while the artificial ball with its stem is made of a strong stainless metal. These artificial pieces are implanted into healthy portions of the pelvis and thighbones and affixed with a bone cement (methyl methacrylate).

An alternative hip prosthesis called a "cementless" total hip replacement has the potential to allow bone to grow into it, and therefore may last longer than the cemented hip. This is an important consideration for the younger patient. In some cases, only one of the two components (socket or stem) may be fixed with cement and the other is cementless and would be called a "hybrid" hip prosthesis.

How long will I be in the hospital after Total Hip Replacement surgery?

The hospital stay usually ranges from three to four days. Patients who live with someone who can assist them are usually able to go home without much problem. However, patients who live alone are encouraged to find someone who can stay with them when they return home. Patients who do not progress well may require a short stay in a rehabilitation center, where they can receive physical and occupational therapy and instruction in how to care for themselves at independently.

Why Goa?

Total hip replacement in Goa is offered at low cost that is beneficial for patients who come from countries like UK and USA where surgery costs are too high. Forerunners HealthCare in India offers you the treatment along with the best medical care and accommodation and all other service required during the treatment and has tie ups with various hospitals having trained experienced surgeons in dealing with international patients. What many tourists have now discovered is that Goa has a pool of trained doctors and nurses and an excellent network of hospitals that offer international standard treatments at very affordable prices.

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