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Spinal Fusion surgery in Kolkata and Nagpur-India pulls huge foreign patients providing best hospitals with quality medical treatments

Spinal Fusion surgery in Kolkata and Nagpur seems to have been pulling a pool of foreign patients for obvious known reasons like the best available hospitals and quality medical treatments. The packages provided by us - Forerunners Healthcare Consultancy renders services that are perfect tailor made and we had been delivering since couple of years. Recently, Mr. Mohammed Rasool was in Kolkata-India for his mother’s Spinal Fusion surgery. Read to know more about their pleasant experience they had while being treated in India.

Hi, I am Mr. Moahmmed Rasool from Iraq. My mother recently had her successful Spinal Fusion surgery in Kolkata- India. All credit goes to my medical consultant – Forerunners Healthcare Group. It was indeed a turning point in her life to get her problem fixed through her Spinal Fusion surgery in Kolkata- India. I remember how much her life was hampered due to constant back pain. We consulted a local doctor, who after thorough examination recommended a Spinal Fusion surgery, I was frustrated searching for some suitable place in my hometown, hence consulted the doctor to suggest some options abroad, he instantly asked me if I can consider Spinal Fusion surgery for my mother in India, and he passed on a contact info of a medical consultant- Forerunners Healthcare Group. I visited their website, read various information provided over their site, also noted down the satisfied stories of foreign patients. I found them quiet reliable and worthy to be called for a help. I, therefore, called the Forerunners people for help and discussed the possibility of having my mother’s Spinal Fusion surgery in India. The executive at the other end was kind and supporting; he collected all the medical investigation reports and gave me a call after having an opinion with bunch of skilled spine surgeons. He explained me at length about my mother’s Spinal Fusion surgery in Kolkata or in Nagpur-India. He offered me some good tailor made packages at the Hospitals based at Kolkata and Nagpur. I was convinced and soon booked our tickets to India for my mother’s Spinal Fusion surgery in Kolkata.

In India, the first thing we did was, we met the spine surgeon, who was supposed to carry my mother’s Spinal Fusion surgery in Kolkata- India. He made us comfortable with his confidence and polite nature. I was amazed to see the success rate of Spinal Fusion surgery in Kolkata- India carried by the doctor. The doctor made my mother feel calm, as she was nerveous with her surgery tensions. Soon the Spinal Fusion surgery in Kolkata- India day appeared, and my mother was in the operation theatre.

A Spinal fusion surgery is a surgery that is done to link together two or more vertebrae. When there is a problem with the vertebrae as in my mother’s case, hence the doctor recommended her to go for a spine fusion to eliminate the motion that occurs within that portion of the spine. By linking together the vertebrae, your doctor is trying to eliminate the source of your back problem. During spine fusion surgery, the surgeon attempt to stimulate bone growth between the vertebrae. Once new bone forms, the vertebrae will be linked together, and there should be no further movement between the fused segments. As part of the process to perform spine fusion, the surgeon went for spinal instrumentation wherein the surgeon placed metal within the spine to hold the vertebral bones together. Spinal instrumentation exists in many different types. The surgeon will recommend a particular type of instrumentation, depending on many factors including the underlying problem being treated, the age of the patient, the number of levels of the spine being fused, and other factors. The entire Spinal Fusion surgery in Kolkata-India of my mother went smooth.

My mother stayed in the hospital for 4 days after having her Spinal fusion surgery in Kolkata-India. The Spine surgeon suggested that the repaired spine should be kept in the right position to maintain alignment. She received pain medicines in the hospital for her back pain that was evident after the surgery. She was taught the various body movements and postures to be adopted during her recovery time. After couple of weeks following her Spinal Fusion surgery in Kolkata- India now, she is all right, back to her normal life. I extend my words of gratitude to my medical consultant the medical team who successfully performed her Spinal Fusion surgery in India

Thank you,
Mr. Mohammed Rasool

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