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Best strategies for Breast Biopsy in India-Video

Breast Biopsy in India is available at various hospitals of Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai and New Delhi. Breast Biopsy in India is available at hospitals that have got finest team of surgeons and physicians that provide excellent and comfortable treatment to the patients. The endeavor of the doctors / physicians performing breast biopsy in India is to go beyond the expected and deliver the most enriching positive experience to each of our patients. Today with the use of modern technology at hospitals in India, the cure rate of breast cancer has increased. An Intraductal pappilomas is a tiny wart-like growth in breast tissue that sometimes punctures a duct. These benign tumors are composed of fibrous tissue and blood vessels.

Intraductal pappilomas grow inside your breast's milk ducts, and can cause benign nipple discharge. Intraductal pappilomas is near or just beside a nipple, it may feel like a small lump. Solitary Intraductal pappilomas usually occur in the large milk ducts near your nipple. When one of these breaks a duct, it can cause a little clear or bloody nipple discharge, which is usually not worrisome. If you have multiple papillomas, they usually occur deeper inside your breast, and can't easily be felt.

Symptoms for breast biopsy

The patients who are affected by Intraductal pappilomas have to undergo through the breast biopsy therapy as a part of medication.

Types of breast biopsies are:

Needle aspiration procedures include the following

Fine Needle Aspiration - The surgeon uses a fine hollow needle that is attached to a syringe to extract fluid from a cyst or cells from a solid lesion. Several insertions are usually required to obtain an adequate sample.

If the lump cannot be felt, ultrasound may be utilized to help the physician guide the needle into the breast and to the lesion. Stereotactic mammography may also be used. This mammography utilizes a computer to pinpoint the mass, cyst or intraductal papilloma. Mammograms are taken from two angles and the computer maps the precise location of the lesion. There is no incision and a very small bandage is put over the site where the needle entered. Fine needle aspiration is the easiest and fastest method of obtaining a Intraductal pappilomas, and is very effective for women who have fluid filled cysts.

Core needle biopsy - This procedure is similar to fine needle aspiration, but the needle is larger, enabling a larger sample to be obtained. Ultrasound or stereotactic mammography is used if the lump cannot be felt. Three to six needle insertions are needed to obtain an adequate sample of tissue. Core needle breast biopsy may provide a more accurate analysis and diagnosis than fine needle aspiration because tissue is removed, rather than just cells. This type of breast biopsy is not accurate in patients with very small or hard lumps.

Vacuum-assisted biopsy - This method of breast biopsy utilizes a vacuum-like device to remove breast tissue. Stereotactic mammography is used to guide a breast probe to the lesion. Computers are used to pinpoint the mass and the suction draws out the breast tissue. The needle is inserted once to obtain multiple samples of intraductal papilloma. In some cases, the entire lesion may be removed. Vacuum-assisted biopsy is safe, reliable, and valuable for patients who are not candidates for other minimally invasive biopsy techniques and those who wish to avoid surgical biopsy.

Large core biopsy - This procedure, also called advanced breast biopsy instrumentation (ABBI), is an alternative for patients who prefer a less invasive procedure than surgery. Large core biopsy is able to remove a sizeable specimen, an entire lesion or intraductal papilloma using a surgical device and stereotactic mammography. It combines wire needle localization and the ability to remove a tissue specimen and allows the sample to be removed in one piece.

A very small incision is made and a cannula (i.e., a tube and a cutting device) is passed through the incision. Breast tissue is removed through the tube. A few stitches may be required to close the opening in the skin.

Risks associated with breast biopsy

Breast biopsy in India is available at hospitals that are comprehensive, multidisciplinary and advanced by latest technology with the most competent and highly skilled health care professionals. The facilities at various Indian hospitals are excellent and international patients have always enjoyed their stay. Breast Biopsy in India is performed by skilled specialists who are aided by the latest medical technology.

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