Weight Loss Surgery in India offered at Hospitals of Goa at Minimal Cost
Weight loss surgery in India has benefited many international patients which are offered at hospitals of Goa that too at minimal cost. Goa is perfect holiday destination and now is referred as the best medical tourist destination. Surgeons performing weight loss surgery are experienced enough for giving the best possible results. Patients can have their treatment done at much lower costs that in western countries and can relax at beautiful beaches. Moreover it will be beneficial for their recovery. Hospitals in Goa are equipped with the latest technical gadgets required for medical procedures and amenities are well versed with the International standards. Weight loss surgery in India is the best option for patients residing in countries like U.S and U.K because the costs of medical procedures are very high.
The physical and mental discomfort associated with being morbidly obese can be overwhelming. There are so many health risks related to obesity, including diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, sleep apnea, and acid reflux. These conditions can greatly shorten a person’s life span and quality of life. And often, an obese person has tried every diet and exercise regime out there in order to lose weight, to no avail. For those that are more than 100 pounds over their ideal weight, it might seem like Weightloss surgery is the only solution.
Who needs Weight Loss Surgery?
Weight loss surgery is often meant for those individuals who are 100 pounds or more over their ideal weight or that have a body mass index (BMI) over 40. Potential patients often have to show proof (both to the doctor and the insurance company) that they have attempted to lose weight through various means of diet and exercise unsuccessfully.
Weight loss surgery is not intended to be used as form of cosmetic surgery. It is major surgery, with several potential complications, and the decision to do it should not be entered into lightly.
Different types of Weight Loss Surgery
There are several types of weight loss surgery which fall into one of the following three categories:
- Restrictive
- Malabsorptive
- Combination (restrictive/malabsorptive)
The three most popular obesity procedures are gastric bypass, gastric band and sleeve gastrectomy. The gastric balloon is also proving a popular option for those patients who prefer not to have surgery.
This is the term given to a set of procedures which cause a physical reduction of the stomach volume. At present there are three procedures although one of them – Vertical Banded Gastroplasty is no longer recommended due to a high rate of side effects.
The two remaining procedures are:
- Sleeve gastrectomy (single technique)
- Gastric band
Food intake is reduced as result of smaller stomach capacity: and less food means a reduced calorie intake which will result in weight being lost.
A Malabsorptive procedure is one in which the absorption of food is greatly affected. When food is ingested it passes down the gullet (windpipe) into your stomach. It is then broken down by stomach acids. As it leaves the stomach and enters the top part of the small intestine or duodenum, it comes into contact with digestive juices from the pancreas and bile from the gall bladder. These two cause a further breakdown of the food which means that vital nutrients such as vitamins and minerals are absorbed.
However, with a malabsorptive procedure this ability is vastly reduced. Food is not properly absorbed which means that important nutrients are lost. This can result in vitamin/mineral deficiencies. You will be given daily supplements to replace these.
Combination procedures or ‘restrictive/malabsorptive’ procedures are the preferred option.
Combination (restrictive/malabsorptive)
- These are ‘double whammy’ procedures: by this we mean that they are comprised of both a restrictive and malabsorptive element.
- The restrictive element is the physical reduction of the stomach: which means that smaller meals will have to be eaten (reduced food intake).
- The malabsorptive element refers to the rerouting of the small intestine (see gastric bypass for a more detailed description) which affects food absorption.
- Health Benefits of Weight Loss Surgery
Health benefits of weightloss surgery include:
- Glucose Abnormalities and Metabolic Irregularities Reduced According to the American Society for Weight loss Surgery and the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity (IFSO), hyperinsulimia and insulin resistance are significantly improved after stomach bypass.
- Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
Reduced High blood pressure (hypertension) is cured in about 50 percent of patients who successfully undergo weight loss surgery. Cholesterol levels and other heart risk factors also typically improve.
Sleep Apnea Cured
Obstructive sleep apnea is cured in about 3 out of 4 patients after surgery.
Shortness of Breath Improved
Hypoventilation is significantly improved in 75-80 percent of patients after weight loss surgery.
Asthma Improved
Successful Weight loss Surgery significantly reduces the number and severity of asthma attacks, especially where such attacks are linked to gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Other Health Benefits of Weight loss Surgery
Gastric reduction surgery also improves back pain and arthritis, heartburn, urinary incontinence, and vein function in the legs.
Social Benefits of Weight loss Surgery
Successful Weight loss Surgery has been shown to increase self-esteem, improve socialization and (in relationships which were harmonious pre-op) improve marital relations.
Why Goa?
Weight loss Surgery in Goa is the most preferred option in international patients at minimal cost. These days it seems like every country in the world promotes itself as a heaven for medical tourism. The reality is that in most cases they offer sub-standard facilities and limited skills/qualifications. Goa has huge number of skilled physicians and nurse practitioners for Weight loss surgery. Over the last two decades, the economic boom in India has led to the building of medical facilities & infrastructure that rival the very best that western medical care that the west has to offer and Goa being the main tourism city has benefited the most. Many of the physicians that practice in these hospitals and clinics have returned (to India) from the U.S. and Europe, leaving behind successful practices.
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Phone Numbers Reach Us-
India & International : +91-9860755000 / +91-9371136499
UK : +44-2081332571
Canada & USA : +1-4155992537