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Laproscopic ROUX-EN-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric Bypass Roux-en-Y surgery reduces the capacity of the stomach by creating a small stomach pouch. The small space holds only one ounce of fluid. The procedure also constructs a tiny stomach outlet, which slows the speed by which food leaves your stomach. So you will feel full after eating a small amount and you will stay satisfied for a long time.

The Roux-en-Y. Gastric Bypass is performed by making a small pouch in the upper part of the stomach. To this a section of small intestine is joined and the food passes directly from the small pouch into this intestine. The remainder of the stomach empties through the small intestine into the intestine that has been joined to the stomach. The excluded stomach contains acid and gastric juice only, and this together with bile passes down the small bowel joining the food and thus helping to digest it.

The excluded and unused portion of stomach remains unchanged, because it has a normal blood supply. Because of all the above, weight loss is much better with the Roux-en-Y. Gastric Bypass and people can eat much more normally with very little likelihood of vomiting.

The quality of life is excellent and there is a good chance of reaching and staying at your ideal weight. Average weight loss with the Gastric Bypass is approximately 70% of the excess weight.

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