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Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Band Surgery

Gastric Band Surgery is completely reversible procedure performed laparoscopically or through key hole route. A silicone band is wrapped around the upper part of the stomach to create a small stomach. Small quantity of food can fill up the small stomach providing satisfaction/satiety to the person.

Narrow outlet of this small stomach delays progression of food into intestine – person feels full for longer period. The size of the stomach opening can be adjusted later by injecting saline through a button under the skin. In this way, weight loss can be controlled. Person is able to eat smaller meals at long interval.

Surgical Time* : 30-60 minutes
Hospitalization* : Usually 24 - 48 hours
Recuperation Time* : 7 days

Essential Precautions:

Daily mandatory intake of protein with a multivitamin & mineral intake will prevent any possible nutritional deficiency. Special dietary advice is provided to post-op patients & regular follow up is essential.


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